The recipe for lemon chicken feet

xiaozuo reading:85 2024-05-11 10:28:09 comment:0

The recipe for lemon chicken feet

Health benefits

Sesame oil: anti-cancer and anti-cancer

White sugar: low protein

Sichuan Pepper: Warm


Nine chicken feet

1 lemon

5 Xiaomi peppers

Moderate amount of ginger

Garlic in moderation

Moderate amount of light soy sauce

Vinegar in moderation

Oyster sauce in moderation

Appropriate amount of sesame oil

Moderate amount of white sugar

A small amount of salt

Three slices of fragrant leaves

Appropriate amount of Sichuan pepper

Moderate amount of star anise

Cinnamon in moderation

The recipe for lemon chicken feet

1. Prepare an appropriate amount of chicken feet and cut off the nails


2. Cut open the chicken feet,


3. Add an appropriate amount of water and boil the chicken feet for about 10 minutes


4. Take it out and put it in cold water (preferably ice water can make the chicken feet more elastic)


5. After soaking, remove and add millet pepper, ginger, and garlic,


6. Add soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, oyster sauce, salt, sugar, and squeeze in lemon juice,


7. Stir evenly


8. Put in lemon slices, cover them with cling film, and keep them fresh in the refrigerator for one night before they can be consumed


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