The recipe for stewing kelp with potato chips

xiaozuo reading:104 2024-05-13 09:31:49 comment:0


Health benefits

Potatoes: detoxification

Carrots: invigorating the spleen

Sichuan Pepper: Antidiarrheal


2 potatoes

Fresh kelp | small bowl

Half a carrot

Scallion 5g

A little salt

5 Sichuan peppercorns

2 spoons of light soy sauce

A little chicken powder

2 small spoons of spicy sauce

A little cooking oil

The recipe for stewing kelp with potato chips

1. Prepare ingredients.


2. Wash seaweed, roll it up and cut it into wide strips.


3. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thick slices. Soak them in clean water for a while. Cut the carrots into thick slices and the scallions into sections.


4. Heat up the oil with a frying spoon and stir fry the scallions, dried chili peppers, and Sichuan peppercorns.


5. Add 2 tablespoons of spicy sauce and stir fry until red oil is produced.


6. Add potato chips and stir fry to color. When the potato chips are half cooked, add carrots.


7. Add an appropriate amount of soup and bring to a boil.


8. Put in seaweed and simmer for a moment. Once the potato slices are raw, turn off the heat.


9. Sheng Pan.



If you are not using fresh seaweed, you need to soak out the salt in advance. Potatoes and kelp should not be stewed for too long. The taste is good when the heat is like Spicy Hot Pot.

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