Egg in Egg Recipe

xiaozuo reading:78 2024-05-17 16:33:42 comment:0

Egg in Egg Recipe

Health benefits

Eggs: Moisturizing and drying

Ham: Appetizing

Carrots: clearing heat and detoxifying


6 eggs

Half a ham

Half a carrot

3 small spoons of sweet corn

1 onion

Salt 2 grams

5 grams of ripe sesame seeds

10 grams of chili oil

Egg in Egg Recipe

1. Carve eggs on the plate and break them up


2. Add cold boiled water and stir evenly


3. When carving eggs, do not beat them alive. Cut radish, ham, scallions, corn, and sprinkle them evenly on the eggs


4. Steaming in a pot


5. At this time, the sauce is mixed with salt, soy sauce, and oil, which consumes a lot of fragrance and oil. The chicken is cooked with sesame and chili oil, and the sauce is mixed with it


6. Take out the steamed egg and pour it over the prepared juice


7.6 eggs per plate is not enough for one person to eat


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