The method of stir frying squid with pickled vegetables

xiaozuo reading:67 2024-05-18 13:29:26 comment:0

The method of stir frying squid with pickled vegetables

Health benefits

Squid: dispelling wind and dampness, diuresis and promoting diuresis

Scallions: promoting blood circulation

Onions: Insecticidal


Moderate amount of pickled vegetables

Squid eight liang

Moderate amount of scallions

Onion in moderation

Moderate amount of ginger

Moderate amount of sugar

Moderate amount of light soy sauce

A spoonful of cooking wine

Moderate amount of oil

Moderate amount of starch

The method of stir frying squid with pickled vegetables

1. The materials are as follows.


2. Squid flying water


3. Remove for backup


4. Stir fry the side dishes first.


5. Add squid, add cooking wine, light soy sauce, and sugar and stir fry evenly for two to three minutes.


6. Finally, add starch water and thicken.


7. Stir fry a few times and set it on a plate.


8. Dine at the table.



Some of my recipes for squid are made with flying water, while others are made without flying water. It depends on the freshness of the squid. Iced squid should be made with flying water, while fresh and freshly killed squid should not be made with flying water. Flying water will also bring its own sweetness. Fresh squid should be killed and stir fried immediately, and there will be no water when stir fried.

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