Preparation of Cordyceps sinensis flower yam bone soup

xiaozuo reading:92 2024-05-20 10:30:08 comment:0

Preparation of Cordyceps sinensis flower yam bone soup

Health benefits

Yam: Tonifying the lungs


Bone 300g

Yam 200g

Cordyceps sinensis flower 20g

Red dates 10g

Wuzi 5g

Codonopsis pilosula 5g

Salt 5g

Preparation of Cordyceps sinensis flower yam bone soup

1. Prepare all the materials, wash the bones clean and soak in blood, wash the medicinal herbs clean and set aside, peel and cut the yam into small pieces for later use


2. Put an appropriate amount of water in a pot and bring to a boil over high heat


3. Put in the spare medicinal herbs and bring to a boil over high heat


4. Pour in spare bones and bring to a boil over high heat


5. Cover the lid and simmer over low and medium heat for 1 hour


6. Open the lid after one hour


7. Pour in the spare yam


8. Cover again and simmer for 30 minutes


9. After the time has passed, add an appropriate amount of salt


10. After adding salt, mix it with medium high heat


11. Take out the pot



When stewing soup, it is best to put yam later. If you put yam first, it will dissolve easily if stewed for a long time. If you put yam later, it does not need to be stewed for too long. Once cooked, it can be taken out of the pot and taste very pink

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