The recipe for corn cake

xiaozuo reading:383 2024-02-21 10:44:47 comment:0

The recipe for corn cake

Health benefits

Corn: diuretic


A piece of corn

Milk 50ml

One spoonful of condensed milk

About 80 grams of flour

A little clear water

Sugar 10g

The recipe for corn cake

1. Peel off the corn, put it into the blender, add a little water, and beat it into corn syrup.


2. Add a spoonful of condensed milk to the beaten corn syrup.


3. Add 50ml of milk.


4. Add 10 grams of sugar.


5. Add flour and stir well to form a thick paste.


6. This is what I stirred well, it's very thick, but when scooped up with a spoon, it can flow quickly.


7. Pour a little oil into a non stick pot and heat it up.


8. Spoon a spoonful of corn paste into the pot, make it into a pancake shape, turn off low heat, and slowly fry.


9. After coloring the bottom, flip over and fry the other side. Be sure to reduce the heat, otherwise the skin will be burnt and the inside will not be cooked yet. Fry until there is no flowing sensation when touched with a shovel.


10. You can eat it on a plate. If you like something sweeter, you can sprinkle honey or condensed milk on the surface, or jam can be used.



1. Each corn is of different sizes, so when adding flour, slowly add it while stirring until the corn paste becomes sticky.

2. When frying corn cake, be sure to use a non stick pan to fry, otherwise it will stick very hard and cannot be eaten.

3. If you like to eat milk with a strong flavor, you can replace milk with cream for a better taste.

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