The method of stir frying shrimp in a typhoon shelter

xiaozuo reading:97 2024-05-25 11:31:13 comment:0

The method of stir frying shrimp in a typhoon shelter


15 prawns

8 Garlic Grains

150 grams of bread crumbs

10 milliliters of cooking wine

Salt 5 grams

Moderate amount of edible oil

Moderate amount of starch

A little white pepper powder

The method of stir frying shrimp in a typhoon shelter

1. Wash the prawns, cut off the shrimp whiskers and shrimp spears, and pick the sand thread. Marinate with cooking wine, pepper, ginger for about 15 minutes.


2. Grind garlic into garlic paste using a cooking machine.


3. Put oil in the pot, with a slightly wider amount of oil. When the oil temperature is 60-70% hot, pat a thin layer of starch on the shrimp body, fry it over low heat until it changes color, and then remove it.


4. Heat up the oil again to 80-90% heat, then fry the shrimp in the wok and remove it. Drain the oil and set aside.


5. The fried shrimp is golden and crispy, making people eager to taste it.


6. Leave a little base oil in the pot, add garlic and stir fry until yellow and fragrant.


7. Pour in bread crumbs and stir fry until golden brown.


8. Pour in the fried shrimp, season with salt, and then take off the pot.


9. Golden, crispy, and delicious enough to lick your fingers, stir fried shrimp in the sheltered pond. The shrimp skin can also supplement calcium, haha.



1. Stir fry garlic until it turns slightly yellow before adding breadcrumbs. Choosing large yellow breadcrumbs is more effective.

2. The fried bread crumbs are also very fragrant and delicious, so the amount can be slightly larger.

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