The recipe for braising pork ribs with potatoes

xiaozuo reading:90 2024-05-25 17:29:39 comment:0

The recipe for braising pork ribs with potatoes

Health benefits

Pork ribs: protecting the nervous system

Potatoes: Harmony with stomach


Pork ribs 400g

Potato 200g

Oil 15g

Salt 5g

Light soy sauce 10g

Zhuhou Sauce 2g

Cooking wine 5g

Garlic mince 5g

Ginger slices 5g

The recipe for braising pork ribs with potatoes

1. Prepare all the ingredients, wash the pork ribs and chop them into small pieces. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small pieces. Chop the garlic into small pieces and slice the ginger for later use


2. Heat the pot, add an appropriate amount of oil, and stir fry ginger and garlic until fragrant


3. Pour in pork ribs


4. Stir fry and add a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell


5. Stir fry it


6. Add an appropriate amount of water


7. Add two spoons of Zhuhou sauce


8. Add an appropriate amount of salt


9. Pour in an appropriate amount of light soy sauce for coloring and freshness enhancement


10. Stir fry and stir well


11. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes


12.20 minutes, add the spare potatoes


13. After adding potatoes, cover with a lid and continue to simmer for 15 minutes


14.15 minutes, harvest the juice over high heat


15. After the soup is drained, stir fry evenly


16. Take out the pot and pack it on a plate



Braised pork ribs with potatoes. It is recommended not to blanch pork ribs. Non blanched pork ribs will taste better when cooked, and the taste and freshness of the meat are particularly good. Potatoes should be placed in the back, not cooked for too long, otherwise they will melt and rot

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