Method of Fried Crispy Meat Balls with Three Fresh Bamboo Shoots

xiaozuo reading:85 2024-05-27 09:27:54 comment:0

Method of Fried Crispy Meat Balls with Three Fresh Bamboo Shoots


2 bamboo shoots/250g pork tube bone/300g pork filling/200g corn/vegetables depending on pot size

Starch 3 ceramic spoons/light soy sauce 1 ceramic spoon/cooking wine 1 ceramic spoon oyster sauce 1 ceramic spoon/salt 2 teaspoons/sugar depending on mood,

Method of Fried Crispy Meat Balls with Three Fresh Bamboo Shoots

1.Prepare ingredients


2. Cut corn and scallions, slice ginger, spring bamboo shoots and ham, change mushrooms into flower knives, and peel Salted duck egg into yolks for use


3. Soak scallions and ginger water: Put water, scallions, and shredded ginger into a small bowl and soak for about 20 minutes


4. blanching pork bones: Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, pour pork bones into the pot with cold water, add scallions, ginger, and 1 spoonful of cooking wine, bring to a boil, blanch and remove any blood foam.


5. Stewed broth: Put scallions, ginger, ham slices, corn, shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and blanched pork bones into a cast iron or clay pot


6. Making Rice-meat dumplings: prepare Rice-meat dumplings while stewing the bottom of the soup. Add 1 egg to the pork filling, add 3 tablespoons of starch, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a little pepper, and sesame oil


7. Fried meatballs


8. I don't want to speak here


9. Add vegetables: When the soup is simmering for about 50 minutes, bring to the boil and remove the pork bones, scallions, and ginger.


Don't waste the minced meat on the bones, sprinkle some salt and pepper and chew it directly, it smells very fragrant~

10. Stir fried duck egg yolk: Start a new stove during the cooking break. Put a small amount of cooking oil into the wok, over low and medium heat. When the oil temperature rises, add duck egg yolk and slowly fry until crushed

After the egg yolk is thoroughly fried and there are dense bubbles in the pot, pour the duck egg yolk into the stew and cook for another 2 minutes. Then turn off the heat and remove from the pot~


11. Several words are omitted here


12. Serve with Rice-meat dumplings: After the soup body cools slightly and the egg yolk bubbles floating on the surface gradually disappear, put in the pre fried Rice-meat dumplings and you can officially start!


13. A mouthful of bamboo shoots and a pill, one tender and one tough, perfectly matched~No joke, this pot is so delicious that it can go to heaven!


14. The soup is mellow and fragrant, but not greasy, with a rich and unique flavor of duck egg yolk upon entry. The sweetness of spring bamboo shoots and corn is completely melted in the soup, so fresh that it makes people jump


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