Preparation of oil splashed scissor noodles

xiaozuo reading:77 2024-05-27 12:31:12 comment:0

Preparation of oil splashed scissor noodles

Health benefits

Coriander: transdermal rash


150 grams of regular flour

Moderate amount of salt

75 grams of clean water

1 tablespoon of light soy sauce

A little dark drawing

1 tablespoon of aged vinegar

1 clove of garlic

1 scallion

1 coriander root

1 pinch of chili noodles

1/2 tablespoon white sugar

Moderate amount of edible oil

Preparation of oil splashed scissor noodles

1. Put the flour into a large bowl, add a little salt, and then add water while stirring with chopsticks to form cotton wadding


2. Use your hands to knead it into a smooth dough, which should be harder than the usual dumpling dough. This way, the texture can be strong, smooth, and won't be soft or collapsed


3. Sprinkle an appropriate amount of dry flour on the chopping board to prevent sticking, and then use a clean kitchen cutter to casually cut small noodles on the dough. I cut them rough, and if you are patient, you can also cut them a bit thinner


4. Chop garlic and scallions into small pieces, cut coriander into small pieces, and prepare a small pinch of chili noodles or chili powder. The specific amount depends on personal taste


5. Boil water in a pot, add scissors noodles and quickly scatter them. After cooking, remove the cold water and drain it. Set aside for later use


6. Put the scissor face into the container, mix the soy sauce, soy sauce, mature vinegar, sugar and some salt. The purpose of soy sauce is to improve the color. Don't put too much soy sauce


7. Put the scallions and minced garlic into the scissor noodles, put the chili peppers on top, pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, heat it up, pour it over the chili peppers, and squeeze out the fragrance


8. Finally, add cilantro slices and mix well with chopsticks before serving on a plate


9. A smooth and delicious oil splashed scissor noodles is ready, and you will unconsciously eat it every time!



The process of making this scissor dough is particularly simple, and it is important to note the softness and hardness of the dough. Don't be too soft. The cooked scissors noodles can be fried, mixed or boiled into Noodles in soup, and the taste and side dishes can be added according to your preference. The ingredients in the recipe are for one person, please increase or decrease the amount of ingredients according to the population.

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