The recipe for minced meat and tofu balls

xiaozuo reading:83 2024-05-29 08:29:46 comment:0

The recipe for minced meat and tofu balls

Health benefits

Tofu: Detoxification

Carrots: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis


1000 grams of meat puree

800 grams of tofu

Carrots 50 grams

Salt 5 grams

5 grams of Wuxiang powder

5 grams of light soy sauce.

4 grams of dark soy sauce

Fuel consumption of 5 grams

Moderate amount of water starch powder

Scallion foam 10g

Ginger foam 10g

The recipe for minced meat and tofu balls

1. Mix meat paste, tofu paste, diced carrots, five spice powder, scallion foam, ginger foam, salt, light soy sauce, oil consumption, dark soy sauce, and starch evenly


2. Steamed buns in a pot until cooked


3. Heat oil and salt in the pot


4. Wuxiang powder and Weidamei


5. Boil water starch


6. Steamed meatballs are placed in a pot to collect juice


7. Sprinkle small fresh onions or cilantro on the plate


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